Checklist for Startups Developing Scalable Mobile Applications

Checklist for Startups Developing Scalable Mobile Applications

June 15, 2023

I started by setting the stage for expanding a mobile e-commerce business. In the second part, I'll provide some generalised thoughts and observations based on my professional experience. Discover the best practises for mobile growth that may be implemented by companies in the growth stage. Most, if not all, new businesses want to achieve success by developing a product that becomes popular with consumers. After putting in so much time and effort, creators should have a strategy in place to take advantage of their rapidly growing user base. Find out what can be done to stop the issue from escalating.

Your programme needs to scale to handle sudden spikes in users and a flood of new transactions. As the amount of consumer data grows, it will be important to find ways to store and process it that ensure data security and can handle larger datasets.

1. The user interface of your next mobile app needs careful consideration

For instance, a startup's growing client base has a significant impact on how the company handles customer support. When customers have a lot of issues that haven't been fixed and complain about being neglected, it's even more difficult for a company to handle user requests on their own.

All of this shows that if left to their own devices, products with a growing number of users will hit a ceiling without a scalable infrastructure and technical stack.

There needs to be a strong focus on scalability from the get-go. So, your team needs to start thinking about future scalability from the very beginning of the app design process. Adding architectural modifications to the mobile app on the fly is risky, expensive, and often leads to severe pauses and failures. Therefore, it's best to avoid skipping this phase and continue with the development process. This is one of the most common causes of a company's demise before it achieves critical mass.

2. Tips for Making a Popular Mobile App

2.1 Concentrating on the product rather than the company

Successful businesses tend to adopt Within this context, a product manager's role ought to evolve into that of a strategic leader. They are responsible for a digital product optimised for mobile devices and must interact with the appropriate teams to gather information, voice opinions, and address issues. Your company won't magically transform into a mobile-first firm simply because you manage your mobile channel like a product. But this will assist your startup in making the most of the current climate.

2.2 Microservices architecture

It is particularly notable for the sharp limits that separate its constituent parts. So, they can all be scaled very easily. It is possible to make adjustments without having to completely rewrite the application. As a result, microservice architectures permit quick iteration on app development, testing, and optimisation. All things considered, this is a cost-and time-saver.

2.3 Connections to external systems

Consider how carefully you want to integrate each external service. This recommendation is for anything involving live chat, including customer service, purchasing, logistics, etc. It makes sense to research potential external partners ahead of time for capacity, fault tolerance, maintenance costs, etc. Your major purpose should be to increase data volume.

2.4 Simple and intuitive user interface design and in-app services

As your product becomes more well-known, a greater number of less committed, higher-funnel individuals will join your user base. You should make the user experience as simple and straightforward as possible for them. The content and in-app communication of your product, as well as the UX and UI design, should help you do this.

2.5 Facilitating communication between a company and its clientele

It is important to plan ahead for the customer experience in order to meet the needs of a wide variety of users. Transactional apps allow users to make purchases whenever they like. As inquiries from clients never stop coming in, a round-the-clock, seven-day-a-week chatbot is essential for answering all of them.

2.6 Promotion using mobile marketing

It goes without saying that a growing company should adopt new tools and methods to better convey the value offer, raise conversion rates, and broaden the customer base. Data-driven marketing strategies require the use of automation technology, which businesses must use.

2.7 Drive home the importance of loyalty

Nearly all approaches to mobile advertising revolve around encouraging customers to remain loyal and make additional purchases. In most cases, a growing company lacks the expertise to develop sophisticated customer loyalty programmes. In their pursuit of new customers, startups must remember that their original target audience is still crucial. The objective is to design a multi-tiered loyalty programme that caters to different sorts of clients while increasing LTV overall.



Globally expanding startups struggle to manage growth, leading to frequent missteps and setbacks. The significant challenges that are often overlooked in the search for new users should be highlighted by this checklist of dimensions. Contact DXB Apps to Develop mobile app for your Business.

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