Top 12 innovative healthcare app ideas for start-ups in 2022

Top 12 innovative healthcare app ideas for start-ups in 2022

June 14, 2023

Searching for innovative start- up ideas for healthcare apps? Don’t worry we, DXB APPS have got you. Healthcare apps is a domain which is recently being ventured by many. It has transformed the way medical services were provided. Nowadays online doctor consultations and prescriptions are available. So in order to stand out among the crowd your ideas have to be crisp.

Here are 12 innovative ideas for your healthcare app start- ups in 2022:

On Demand Doctor App-

The idea of an on- demand doctor has become popularized since Covid-19. So if you are trying to build a health care app this idea can be it for you. This type of apps provide online doctor consultations and the desired healthcare specialist via scheduled video calls and instant chats. It is a great idea however you will need to use AI.ML, Big Data in order to provide personalized experience to end users.

Pharmacy Delivery App-

This healthcare app idea is on-trend. Nowadays people prefer to have the medicines delivered to their houses rather than purchasing them from shops. People have become busier and this app makes it easier for old people to cater to their medical needs.

Mental Health App-

Mental health has become a quite common issue among people. Many people are suffering from anxiety, panic attacks and serious mental health issues due to their stressful and busy life. So, if you are striving for an innovative healthcare app idea this is for you.

Women’s Well-being App-

Women have different needs, especially during their pregnancy and periods. The increasing amount of women having PCOD and breast cancer has also increased exponentially. So an application which is made specifically to cater to such needs of women is highly appreciated. It can prove to be an amazing start- up app idea.

AR/VR Based Medical Training App-

Augmented Reality (AR) / Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are used to train healthcare experts about different medical training. They can learn how to carry out operations without actually using a dummy body which is revolutionary and can save a lot of costs. This application idea is slowly becoming popular.

Wellness Tracker and Workout App-

After surviving two years of house arrest people have become more health-conscious. Everybody wants to be in shape and have a healthy lifestyle. So an application incorporating Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality and IoT helps to monitor heartbeat patterns, oxygen levels, and so on. Investment in such an application can prove to be very profitable.

Diet Planning App-

As mentioned earlier, people have become very conscious about their health and well-being. So, a well-balanced diet plan is very important for them to meet their desired goals. So if you can make an application that can give them a diet plan according to their health requirements you are good to go.

Medicine Price Comparison App-

The immunity system of people is becoming very weak nowadays and from a younger age, they need to consume a lot of medicines. However, the prices of medicine are in no way coming down. So if your company can make an application that helps people to compare the medicine prices in different stores then no one can stop your start-up from expanding.

Personal Medical Records App-

This application helps people to save all their medical records in it. So, the doctors can simply check all the medical history of their patients through this app and prescribe them medicines accordingly. This app can be developed using Blockchain technology so that patients and doctors can access the medical records whenever and wherever.

Medical Translation App-

Due to the increasing popularity of healthcare apps, there can be many patients from foreign countries who do not understand the language of the host country. So, in order to make the patient's and doctors life easier, a medical translation app should be there so doctors can easily prescribe medicines to the patients. It is an unconventional idea but can garner a lot of traction.

Health Reminder App-

People’s lives have become so hectic that their daily healthcare needs are not taken care of. So, an application that can remind them to take medicines on regular intervals, drink water, and exercise can be a life saver. So, investing in such an application can be worthwhile.

Healthcare App for lifestyle disease-

An application that can manage lifestyle and chronic diseases is much needed to be honest. People often fail to take care of themselves and that leads to worsening of their situation in the long run. For a start-up, this is a brilliant proposition and can be taken to the next level using AI and IoT technologies.

These were a set of innovative healthcare app ideas provided by DXB APPS. In order to know more about such ideas or for some other guidance regarding mobile app development feel free to contact us.

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