What's New in Mobile App Development? - DXB APPS

What's New in Mobile App Development?

September 03, 2024

We often come across different mobile applications that have experienced unprecedented success in this digital age. Amazon, and Netflix, are some prime examples of mobile applications that capture users globally.

But how did they manage to accomplish global success? Is there any secret recipe? Well, there are several factors behind this massive success; however, the applications developed by a team of professional developers and upgraded regularly to cope with digital trends have higher chances of attracting a wider audience. Technological innovation rapidly reshapes the application development process. Read on to find out what recent mobile app development trends hold for upcoming projects.

Emergence of 5G Technology

5G has made its way into almost every corner of the world. Users are rapidly shifting towards this fast-speed internet technology to have a better experience over mobile devices. From 100 times faster data than 4g and the lowest latency speed, it delivers a highly responsive and quick user experience. With 5g, users expect more improved and faster apps to benefit from this impressive upgrade.

Imagine an application downloaded in a blink with the next-gen internet but its poor compatibility due to outdated technology brings lags and delays. This will ruin the user experience and they will prefer applications that seamlessly integrate with the latest technology to improve user experience. Mobile app developers can focus on creating more immersive and intuitive applications to reshape the mobile development landscape.

Application trends powered by 5g technology include:

  • VR-based gaming apps.

  • OOT platforms with high-definition streaming.

  • Creative and data-driven applications.

AR and VR take center Stage

Among the latest app development trends, AR and VR are taking the lead. AR overlays artificial elements into real-world scenarios, while virtual reality uses artificial environments to engage users. By redefining immersive experiences, these two technologies efficiently blur the boundaries between virtual and real worlds. The recent AR/VR trends predict that users will learn and train in engaging and safer environments. Furthermore, AR/VR technologies will pave the way for increased accessibility. 

AR and VR

While delving deeper into these trends, we can consider a prime example of Pokémon Go, going way ahead of classic gaming by creating various arenas, like designing, shopping, and marketing. These game-changing experiences not only improve the outreach of the project but also encourage players to make purchases and acquire their favorite characters and assets. Global app development firms are leveraging these trends and mobile app development companies in Dubai are no exception. They are working on several projects to amaze users by embracing AR and VR techniques. 

Apps for Foldable Devices

Foldable devices are the new norm and app developers are finding their way to deliver the same responsiveness across both normal and foldable devices. A mobile app developed for a specific platform or device won’t be able to adjust its interface and design when accessed from a foldable device. 

The major challenge is to optimize apps for these foldable devices with bigger screens and unique folding aspects. A highly professional mobile app development company can help sustain the same intent, design, and interface of your application across different devices and platforms. 

Foldable Phones

AI Integration in Mobile App Development

Similar to other sectors, AI has also amazed the world with innovative application designs and concepts. AI has a deeper connection with the mobile app development process, offering features to minimize efforts with less code or no-code development frameworks. However, the recent technological upgrades implemented by AI technology in the last few years are mind-boggling. They have focused on promoting innovation, automation, and personalization to immerse users like never before.

AI trends are a must to stay competitive and capture the spotlight. However, finding a highly capable resource in the UAE that offers customized AI solutions can be challenging. App development company Dubai offers services that help integrate AI technology to automate processes and improve user experience.

Beacon Technology

Similar to other technologies, Beacon is yet another emerging trend in mobile app development. Beacon is a location-based system that ensures seamless Bluetooth connectivity and transfer of data/information to nearby devices. For those who believe it's an outdated technology, it is emerging and being powered by the latest technological upgrades. Beacon aids guided navigation in public places like malls, airports, and stadiums, providing real-time insights about user interactions in such places. Its recent trends predict immense opportunities for personalized and location-based experiences.

Mobile app trends for beacon technology include:

  • Mobile Payment Beacons.

  • AI-powered Chips.

  • Automated Machine Learning.

DXB Apps: Your #1 Mobile App Development Partner in UAE

These app development trends highlight a pressing need to revamp your mobile applications to remain competitive and cope with technological upgrades. Businesses and startups eagerly want to upgrade their traditional mobile apps with these innovative trends but often hesitate to consult app developers due to high costs and technical complexities.

DXB Apps understands the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest development frameworks, providing cutting-edge solutions to upgrade your application design, features, and functionalities to comply with the latest trends. Being the leading mobile app development company in UAE, DXB Apps is capable of creating stunning applications with enhanced security and infrastructure. 

Mobile App Development Company


To sum up, it’s essential to comply with innovative app development techniques to thrive globally and deliver a highly immersive user experience. Adoption of these emerging technologies can be made possible by collaborating with app development firms. Look out for mobile app development companies with proven experience to ensure flawless integration. 


Is it worth developing my mobile application for both iOS and Android?

Gone are the days when you had to choose separate apps for each platform. Cross-platform frameworks like Flutter and React Native help create applications and deploy them on both platforms. This approach also saves development costs and time.

Is AI being used in App development?

Exactly, AI is widely used to create personalized experiences, automate tasks, and manage large chunks of data. 

Why is DXB Apps the preferred choice for App development?

DXB Apps provides access to a team of experienced developers that interact with you to communicate ideas and propose solutions to simplify your business needs.

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